Working Together:

At Invest & Fund being easy to do business with is at the heart of all we do – an insight into our first class Business Development team and approach:


We understand that experience is paramount when looking for a funding partner. Our Origination team offers a depth of industry knowledge and experience which we believe is unrivalled within our sector, combining a level of insight earned through extensive careers within the commercial banking sector. Utilising that experience allows us to offer our clients the highest quality customer service.


One of the challenges we sought to overcome was demystifying the funding process for our clients. We present our partners with a detailed roadmap at the point of application that breaks down the process flow into concise requirements, illustrating each step in the funding process. This approach allows for a streamlined customer experience, with all parties anticipating any challenges before they arise.

Deal Structuring

Our focus is purely on residential development finance, and that's reflected in our ability to craft and structure complex and challenging transactions. We employ an intuitive approach when making our initial project assessments and this diligence allows us to maintain a strong focus on working with our customers in a productive partnership.

Ongoing Relationships

We don't set out to look for borrowers; our ambition is always to look for partners and clients, people whose aspirations and goals become intertwined with our own. This is demonstrated by the level of repeat business we undertake. Our goal is to have long term, symbiotic relationships with our clients, sharing in their successes; and assisting them in their challenges. We operate with regionally based teams, supporting our emphasis on meeting customers face to face in order to gain first-hand knowledge of the development team and the project being funded.

To find out more about the Invest & Fund platform, visit our website.